Nature Club ~ 2/8/25 - Beaver Lake Nature Center, Baldwinsville, NY 10:30am
Community Conversations ~ In-Person 2/15/25, 10:30am - Online 2/19/25, 7pm EST

Let's Work Together!
The journey of TRUE HEALING is not linear.
True Healing is a lot like a windy, dusty, steep road up to the summit where Awe and Wonder await.
True Healing takes work. It takes energy. It takes commitment. It takes community. It takes family and/or friends that come alongside you, for part or all of the way. It takes finding ways to cope with the discomforts along the journey, while ensuring the journey isn’t compromised by those coping mechanisms. It takes others with more experience waiting for us at the top, and who will provide us with additional, tools we didn’t know we’d need in order to adapt to and cope with the new demands of the successful journey.
And True Healing takes bravery.
If you’re here reading this, you’re brave.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Ways to Work Together
Add terms and conditions

Best Value
Online Community MEMBERSHIP
Every month
~ Use code happy25 for $10 off for the duration of your membership! ~
A protected space for anyone ready to take charge of their own health, along side others on similar journeys.
Valid until canceled
Monthly LIVE online presentations on specific topics
Access to recordings of past monthly presentations
Membership in our Embrace Your Health community group
Access to media, files, and other resources
Book, video and podcast recommendations
Participation in periodic Group Challenges
and more!

Best Value
Group Health Coaching MEMBERSHIP
Every month
~Use code groupcoaching25 for $10 off for the duration of your membership! ~
Our hybrid, evergreen group health coaching program. More personalized coaching with the power of community.
Valid until canceled
Everything in our Online Community MEMBERSHIP, plus...
Join a small group of others on similar journeys
2 weekly Q&A calls (over 2.5Hrs contact time every week!)
Bring your questions, or listen in on others' inquiries
Rhythmic Movement Training for Primitive Reflex Integration
Weekly Round-Up emails every Sunday
Access to assorted tools and resources for your journey
Access to previous Q&A recordings and/or written summaries
Access to Group Coaching Immersion Learning Modules...
... go at your own pace and bring your questions each week!
Seasonal group challenges to up-level your health
Join Anytime! Go at your own pace. Cancel anytime.
Accountability & Encouragement

Best Value
Coaching de Salud en Grupo
Every month
Precio promocional para miembros fundadores. Llamadas semanales por Zoom, acceso a todos los recursos en nuestra Comunidad Online y much mas.
Valid until canceled
Coaching de Salud en Grupo

Best Value
1:1 Health Coaching MEMBERSHIP
Every month
Consistency over perfection. If group settings are not the right thing at this time, this approach is for you.
Valid until canceled
Everything in our Online Community MEMBERSHIP, plus
One-on-One calls, just you and your coach here at HW
TWO 1Hr.-long video calls each month
Rhythmic Movement Training for Primitive Reflex Integration
Personalized protocols and recommendations
Step-by-step, guided "habit-stacking" as needed
Follow-up conversation notes summarizing every call
Unlimited e-mail and text access in between calls
Immediate access to our Embrace Your Health course
and more!
Find one that works for you